recent work
A Dronevideo made by Felix Schwiederski and Raimund Welge!
We will regularly upload new projects here to inspire them with new input for your company. Always stay on the ball!
Recrutingvideo for Holzbau Rathjens – Video by Jonas Penno

Shooting for Logopak - Photo from Jonas Penno

Shooting for ongod - Photo from Jonas penno

Shooting for a city festival - Photo from Jonas penno

Shooting for ongod - Photo from Jonas penno

Shooting for ongod - Photo from Jonas penno

Shooting for Holzbau Rathjens - Photo from Jonas penno

Shooting for Holzbau Rathjens - Photo from Jonas penno
Contact us
Just get to know us!
So that you know that you are dealing with young, but nevertheless very experienced social media professionals, we would be happy to invite you to a no obligation, free initial discussion for an apple spritzer or a coffee.
Just get in touch.